Scientists discover that Tutankhamun's mysterious dagger is of extraterrestrial origin

There is a halo of mystery around the dagger discovered by the archeologist Howard Carter in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and it is the fact that its origin is possibly extraterrestrial, but not as you are thinking, the clear story of a conspiranoid in the one that an alien gave him the dagger, far from being a surrealistic fact, the reality is another and is that although it has an extraterrestrial origin with it refers to the material from which the dagger is made is from a meteorite.
It is more than proven in later studies that the iron of which this mysterious dagger is composed is of extraterrestrial origin since it was contained in a meteorite, not only this piece was forged from this material but many more pieces, which belonged to the pharaoh were also made with the same material.

The dagger accompanied the pharaoh until his funeral, was discovered on the right thigh of the same, decorated with feathers and flowers, topped with a jackal head, also contains rock crystal, there is another piece that was decorated entirely with gold.
What led the experts to this conclusion that it was more than clear their extraterrestrial origin is that in the composition there is a high content of nickel and a smaller amount cobalt which suggests that its origin is not of this planet.

Photography: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford
In addition this piece was subjected to the analysis test by X-ray fluorescence in which it was concluded that it belonged to meteorite remains, around 76 served as a reference for its discovery.
Undoubtedly one of the few pieces that was made with such material, which will serve to feed the mystery for fans of the extraterrestrial theme and ancient civilizations.
"The pieces suggest that the ancient Egyptians attributed great value to this type of iron for the production of fine decorative and ceremonial objects until the 14th century BC. C. ", the experts finally point out in their recently published study.
Meteoritics & Planetary
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